Let's Study English

Let's Study English

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Psychology tips, tricks, and techniques

Some few points on interviews:

1. Ambiance 
 "First impression is the last impression". Suppose if you went for a sales job and the ambiance of that premise is not good your brain will automatically help your internal enthusiasm on higher or lower scale and your performance got affected.

2. Job Perspective 
This factor has always helped me in getting my job done. In any interview where ever you have been thinking of applying  or being selected. You should try to gather some internal information about that company progression and your role. So if in case you are interviewed then by mentioning there research either in your resume or in CV you could leave a psychological impact that you are one of those skills which they are desiring. Their you have started nailing about a new job.

3. Be Open For Discussion
 This is an easiest way to make your interview panel convince that you are open  for discussion like salary, time-shift and office location etc.  After when you are got selected you can manipulate the team by showing some little constraint in some non-desirous options. This point is because every company has some hopes and some limitations. So by answering in that way you are passing that ball in their court that you could be hired and their are no strings attached.

4.Going into an interview...be interested in your interviewers.
 If you focus on learning about them you seem more interesting and dynamic. (Again, people love to talk about themselves.)

5.Pay Attentions to details of your Interviewers.
Pay attention to your interviewers dress and office environment. Suppose if he is wearing a casual dress where most of the interviewers are in formal then these people are looking for something different then the requirement who like multi-tasking type of job . So if the person is just opposite then that person is confined to the requirement and he can't be bend or can give any push until you perform to his expectation.

6. Facial Expression of the Interviewers
If your interviewer is always moving his head while you are answering then he is least interested in you and the probability of getting selected in low now. If his eyes got stuck on you then he is expecting more from you what you have delivered. If by every answer he looking on his PC or on your CV then he is done with the interview and he is just want to play with you or to explore about u Likewise, if his eyeballs instead of looking you he looking somewhere else then he is either not paying any attention in depth. If in case you are not sure about your answers then you could take some shots.

7.Fake it till you make it; confidence is more important than knowledge.
Don't be intimidated by anyone, everyone is playing a role and wearing a mask.

8. Show Street Smartness
Don't let your interviewers play with you. Instead you play with them like giving them a ideal trailer of your problem solving and client building approach with easily faking your previous experience. As no one is going to esquire about you  what were cooking you previous company.

9. Don't mentioned any references about you in that company.
As it has always either psychologically or professionally backfired you.

10. Consume Glucose before the Interview.
Before or during the interview if you are nervous about the data, facts and figure or it require you to remember without any help. Then drink water with Glucose or consumes as much glucose before it. As our brain need oxygen for it neurons to work sharply. So by consuming glucose will directly give your body a ample amount of glucose which will be actively release the oxygen in your blood other then the breathing and immediately electrify your brain cells without any damage. They will help you a lot.

11. Presentation is the secret my friend.
You might be having ample amount of knowledge but it is of no use until you know the way to present it. To be able to present something in an orderly way you must practice doing so. Now by practice I mean that try to write the points and practice answering the expected interview questions. In this way you’ll be prepared thoroughly to present your thoughts in the interview.

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