Let's Study English

Let's Study English

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

To Step up into education

Step up into education is a better prepare and support children to make the transition to school, and to support parents to become involved in their child's education. Under the Step up into education initiative, to deliver school readiness and transition initiatives to suit the needs of their local community.

A positive start to school leads to a greater and ongoing connection with school and is linked to positive educational and social outcomes. Children who have a positive start to school are more likely to regard school as an important place, have high expectations regarding their ability to learn and succeed at school with better attendance, achievement and attainment.

Supporting transition to school

The basis of a positive transition to school for all involved is the establishment of collaborative and respectful relationships. During the transition to school educators have opportunities to build relationships with fellow educators, children, families and communities. For families, transition provides the opportunity to build connections to the school and the personnel who will support their child in their new learning journey.

Resources have been developed to assist schools, families, educators and teachers (school, kindergarten, child care and Prep) to support children to make successful transitions into schools.

The department has developed a state-wide approach to successful transitions including a Supporting successful transitions: school decision-making tool. The decision-making tool is a framework for reflection and action. It identifies the principles that underpin effective transitions and the areas of practice that support this process.

Schools are guided by the Supporting successful transitions - school decision making tool when providing transition programs.

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