Being honest and humble is one of the most important traits that you would require in your professional life, right from while you are handling the interview to even further in your professional life.
To evaluate this, you will be asked several questions that are related to your previous teamwork experience:
1. Give us example when you were part of a team. What was your role in the teamwork? How did you contribute to this task group? How often did you interact with other team members?
Choose a team (or a task group) that you had been assigned to or a teamwork that you had participated in your previous job and describe a leading project.
Make sure that your answer is a crisp and quick run through of your task group participation and gives the interviewer a broad idea of your value addition and job execution as a team worker.
You may include: the way the team monitor tasks and duties for achieving the project goals and how you’ve effectively interacted with other team members on a constant basis to achieve these goals.
2. Have you ever had an experience where there were issues or strong disagreement among the team members? What did you do?
It goes without saying that there is no team, either personal or professional, that has not faced some problems and disagreement among teammates.
However, when working on team in the workplace, each team member is not only responsible for his tasks but also responsible for the progress of the team goals as a whole. The employer would want to find out these qualities in a team player.
Therefore, you can answer this question:
“I have had some instances where there has been some kind of strong disagreement among my team members. Usually, I do not pay attention to the issue for the first few days, because I have faith in the professionalism of my team partners.
However, if the problem is not solved over a period of time, I make sure that I speak to any and all the team members who are involved in the issue, and try to iron out an amicable solution with dialogue between them.”
3. Have you ever been a project leader in a team? How did you handle/face issues?
Being a project leader in a team is a position full of responsibility as it that gives the employee a chance to achieve his professional ambitions.
Therefore, the candidate should be sure that a sense of responsibility is sent across in the reply:
“As a project leader, I have had a varied experience of dealing with project issues. Whenever I have faced a problem that requires a solution, I collected the data related to the issue, figured out the causes, consulted with team members for solutions and when having a neutral view of the issue, I have tried to resolve it in such a manner that I will continue keeping a keen eye on the problem solution and the betterment of the product.”
4. Tell us about your experience working with peers. How did it go? Have you ever faced difficulties and disagreements?
While team players are supposed to be work in harmony, it is a fact that they can have issues with other team members, who are basically their colleagues.
If you have had issues with other teammate, it is best to tell the truth to the employer and to explain the situation honestly.
The best way to answer is:
“I have had an issue with a peer [give an example], like it is common in a professional workforce. However, I have always endeavored to solve the problems, without the repercussions coming up, or even other team members. I always believe that conversation is the best way to solve any issues, and I have always had dialogues with any peer who has had an issue with me. I consider his point of view and the project goals before I take the conversation ahead.”
5. Have you been a team leader? Describe your role as a team leader. Tell us about the challenges you faced in trying to resolve issues among team members. What could you have done to be more effective?
A team leader is basically the leader whom everyone looks up to, so as to be the one who would lead effectively the team projects and ensure that the team moves smoothly and progresses, taking the company that they work for from strength to strength.
Therefore, describe an effective team leadership work.
Moreover, a team leader has several responsibilities other than just their core abilities to churn out work. One of the most important responsibilities is to keep the team together and help them weather even the greatest of problems. If you are a team leader, it is your responsibility to handle the team and solve the issue without any repercussions or bad blood between the team members.
If asked such a question, here is the answer that you can provide:
“As a team leader, my responsibility is to achieve the highest productivity for the company within the given resources. Therefore, I have to ensure that all the resources that I am provided are always at their optimum performance. So, I have to ensure that any issues that my team members face are resolved without any losses to either the company, the product that is being currently worked on.
Most of the times, I speak to the team members who have a problem with each other individually as well as a team, so that all the issues are ironed out immediately. “
Of course, the most important aspect of an interview question answer should be that the answer is realistic and factual. If you have been a team leader or project leader, it is well and good and you should reply whatever the fact is. If you have not been a team/project leader, you should simply tell the interviewer that you have not had the chance to lead a team as yet.
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